Song By Song - 7-23-10

Song By Song - 7-23-10

It was Friday, and I was at work at the BOB (big old building) in Sarasota. My grandfather, my mom’s dad, D.O. Chandler, Jr., was not doing well. His health had declined pretty significantly in a short time. I took a call on my cell phone in the long hallway that separated the office area from the back warehouse. It was my mom. My grandfather, who was getting much weaker by the minute, asked to talk to me.

At 40

It’s a milestone, I suppose. A measuring stick of one’s life. For whatever reason, reaching the age of 40 carries a certain amount of significance in society. That burden and feeling is somewhat self-perpetuating, passing on from generation to generation. I remember my parents and their friends making a big deal about their 40th birthdays. So, I guess their children should do the same.